19 July 2009

Orochi , Japan, 2008 ☆☆☆☆

Eine bekannte japanische Schauspielerin hat zwei Töchter. Eine davon wird auch Schauspieler. Die Familie jedoch leidet unter einem Fluch: wenn die Frauen 29 Jahre alt werden, verwandeln sie sich in Monster und müssen für immer gesperrt werden. Dann tritt Orochi ein, ein Mädchen, das dieser Fluch stoppen kann aber die bald in Probleme gerät.
Czech Dream Cesky Sen, Czech Republic, 2008 ☆☆☆

Zwei aus Prag Filmstudenten machen ein Dokumentarfilm über einen falschen Supermarkt: Tschechischer Traum. Es ist eine Form von Markt Forschung, die die Reaktionen der Käufer scharf entlarvt. Wenn die Leute entdecken, dass das Ganze falsch ist, fühlten sie sich manipuliert und enttäuscht. Ein kritiker Einblick an die Macht von Werbung in unserer Gesellschaft.

14 July 2009

Terribly Happy Frygtelig lykkelig, Denmark, 2008 ☆☆☆☆

Marie Antoinette USA, 2006 ☆☆☆

09 July 2009

Cherry Blossoms Germany, 2008 ☆☆☆☆

A man never had time to tell her wife how much he loved her. Wife dies suddenly. Husband decides to visit his only single son who is working in Tokyo. The husband also finds out that his wife loved traditional Japanese dance. When he meets a steet dancer in Tokyo, both embark on a friendship that will lead the man to reconcile his feelins and finally say goodbye to her wife.
Forget "Lost In Translation", this movie is the real deal if you want to explore the concept of West meets East. A truly amazing movie.

Let's Scare Jessica To Death USA, 1971 ☆☆☆☆

Jessica and her husband decide to go live in the countryside and escape from the city life. Pretty early on in the movie we learn that Jessica just came out of the psychiatric hospital. She hears voices and sees people that are not there. Her troubled mind starts playing games with her as she starts to hear voices that tell her that they will never leave her alone. In addition to this, when she and her boyfriend get to the new house they just bought, a stranger was already living there without permission.
The title of the movie is very deceiving, but that is part of the whole scheme. Is someone trying to scare her? Does she really hear voices? or is the local legend true and ghosts are really appearing? For a movie that is more than 30 years old, it still is pretty scary. Good job.