07 November 2012

Clip (FNC 2012)

Klip, Serbia, dir. Maja Milos, 2012 *****

Shot mostly with cell phone cameras, this movie feels like a documentary or reality show, only that it isn't. Several years in the making, Maja Milos spend quite some time recruiting the right people. Most of them are not even professional actors, and the result is simply breathtaking. A crude and vivid portrait of a teenage girl and his friends and boyfriends is what the movie is basically about. There is a lot of sex and alcohol. Some scenes can be even considered pornographic. This is exactly what the new wave of Serbia movies is all about. A country left to take care of itself and find again its values and morals after the genocides and civil wars of the 90's. A shocking, realistic and intense movie that will surely leave a mark in the history of Serbian cinema.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is happening all around the world not just in Serbia. Young people are trying to express themselves through sexual relationship.
Check this out: